FRCS exam

The Intercollegiate FRCS examination is the final academic hurdle before award of a CCT in general surgery can be made. It is governed by the Joint Committee on Intercollegiate Examinations and all applications are handled through their website.

You can apply once you have an ARCP outcome 1 at ST6 level. You require three references, one of which must be your TPD and another your current AES or CS. Also be warned that you need to pay for it all up front, which at last count was £1,849!

The exam itself consists of two parts:

  • Part 1 is a written exam, and is held simultaneously across the country at most Pearson Vue Driving Theory test centres. It consists of two papers, both of around three hours, held over one day. It is the same whichever subspecialty interest you have declared.
  • Part 2 is the Oral and Viva. It is held on a rotational basis across the countries of the UK and Ireland. You must have passed Part 1 to proceed to Part 2. Much is generic, but some components are subspecialty specific – colorectal being the most preferable, of course!

You have four chances to pass Part 1 over a maximum of two years, and then four chances to pass Part 2 over the next five years. Good Luck – You’ll be fine!

Preparation courses

There are no upcoming events.

EBSQ exam

The European Board of Surgical Qualification (EBSQ) examination is the certifying examination leading to the Diploma of EBSQ (Coloproctology) of the European Union of Medical Specialists. This is the only form of certification in the speciality of coloproctology within Europe and candidates who successfully pass the examination are awarded the title ‘Fellow of the European Board of Coloproctology’.

It is recognised by the EU but not by member countries statutory medical bodies.


  • Currently working, or have been trained in, an EU UEMS (Union Europeene Des Medecins Specialistes) or associated UEMS country
  • Proof of identity and presentation of CCST or equivalent
  • At least five years general surgery experience
  • At least two further years of coloproctology experience
  • Adequate operative experience across a broad range of colorectal surgery
  • Proctology, Endoscopy, Colorectal resection, and Stoma formation

Examination and Fees

Total fees are €1000

Part 1 – €400

Eligibility to take the examination will be checked

Part 2 – €600


  • Questions regarding assessment of the patient and treatment options. May include current literature and/or ongoing studies. (1 hour)


  • Clinical Knowledge (30min)
    Clinical case discussions with interpretation of diagnostic tool and specimen analyses.
  • Academic (30min)
    Interpretation of a published paper

For more information please visit: UEMS website